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AeroSports Incorporated
Host a Balloon Festival in your Community!

We Can Help

AeroSports, Inc. provides hot air balloon festival and event management services to communities who want to host hot air balloons at existing community events or who would like to create a local hot air balloon festival. We provide turn-key hot air balloon event management services. Create an incredible end-destination event in your community with impressive local economic impact.

Hot Air Balloon Festival Demographics

The air show/balloon festival spectator base represents a strong and affluent cross-section of North America. A seven percent increase in the number of survey respondents report income of $35,000 to $100,000. Attendees range from children to senior citizens with the largest percentage in the categories that span ages 30-49.

  • Ages 30 – 55
  • 62% have children
  • 63% have income of $50,000 - $100,000
  • Over 50% are college educated

Exciting Balloon Glows

Kick-off your community event with an amazing Hot Air Balloon Glow, an exciting display of 70 foot-tall hot air balloons illuminating like giant light bulbs after dark. A media favorite!


AeroSports, Inc. 


Copywrite 2008/2009 AeroSports, Incorporated